As a non-profit organization, Pyramid Hill relies on the generous donations from our community to continue our Park's mission and programming.
If you have enjoyed visiting the Park, our signature events and programming, or have ideas on ways we can improve - consider a donation to help us get there!
What does your donation actually support at the Park?
Donations can be made in many ways:
Check: Payable to Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park
Mail to:
Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park
1763 Hamilton Cleves Road
Hamilton, OH 45013
Phone: Talk to our staff at the Visitor Center at (513) 868-8336
Community Foundation or Donor Advised Fund: Direct your gift to Pyramid Hill Sculpture Park EIN: 31-1439692
Employer Match: Many employers match their employees charitable gifts, contact us to find out more. Use the EIN number listed above when using an online portal
Online: Use our secure donation portal
Get the most out of your donation! A Pyramid Hill membership directly supports all the efforts and improvements happening around the Park. Grab yourself a membership as a way to support, and enjoy the benefits for the rest of the year.
STUDENT MEMBERSHIP | Purchase upon arrival
Students looking to purchase a membership can complete this upon arrival to the Park. Please visit our staff in the Visitor Center and bring a valid and current student ID.
PHOTOGRAPHER MEMBERSHIP | Please call for details
This membership allows professional and commercial photographers to legally use images taken within the park for financial gain. This includes licensing permission for park images and sculptures.
At least 24 hour notice is required for any photoshoot
Please note, a fee of $5 will be charged for reprinting lost or damaged membership cards. To request a new membership card, please email us at
Pyramid Hill thrives with it's incredible volunteers! We greatly appreciate your interest in supporting the Park through volunteering. To find out more about opportunities, contact us today.
If you are interested in volunteering at Pyramid Hill, contact us!